Kamis, 06 Mei 2010

Terms Feces Disposal

Public access to sanitation facilities, particularly toilets, is still far from expectations. Various campaigns and programs have been carried out recently by the implementation of Community Based Total Sanitation program (STBM). These efforts actually lead to the fulfillment of community sanitation access, especially toilets. But such access in addition to speaking the most important quantity is quality. 

The debate about the notion of total sanitation, in the early stages will occur in the realm of definition and understanding. To reach the total sanitation, essential for ensuring the supply and demand factors achieved with the maximum, in order to realize the Open Defecation Free (ODF) at the community level.

Latrine Construction Plan In reality ODF status still has not fulfilled the requirements in line with the quality of facilities (and this is often ignored once to pursue changes in behavior). But how is actually excrement disposal requirements of a qualified health? According to Ehlers and Steel (in Entjang, 2000), these requirements include:

  1. No  may contaminate the soil.
  2. No may contaminate surface water.
  3. No may contaminate the ground water.
  4. Disposal should not open so it can be used where flies lay eggs or reproduce other disease vectors.
  5. WC/Water Closet must be shielded from the sight of others.
  6. Easy make and cheap.

Latrine Cemplung To prevent at least reduce fecal contamination of the environment, the disposal of human waste must be managed properly, meaning the sewage must be in a certain place or latrine healthy. A latrine is healthy for the countryside if it meets the following requirements (Notoatmodjo, 2003).

  1. No littering the ground around the septic tank.
  2. No contaminate surface water in the vicinity.
  3. No contaminate surrounding ground water.
  4. Can't be reached by insects, especially flies and cockroaches, and animals other animals.
  5. Can't smelly.
  6. Easy used and maintained (maintanance).
  7. Simple design.
  8. Cheap.
  9. Can received by the wearer.
Sludge Disposal Methods

Excreta disposal methods are generally divided into two areas and Sewered Unsewered area (Chandra, 2007).

Unsewered area consists Service-type (Conservancy system) and non-service-type (sanitary latrines), which consists of Bore hole latrine, pit latrines or Dug well, type of water seal latrines (Prai type and RCA type), Septic tanks, Aqua privy, Chelmical closet. Another method of Latrines suitable for Camps and temporary use of Shallow and Deep trench latrine trench latrine

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